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Browsing Tag: Civil disobedience

Never a Never Trumper.

June 2018.

     I have never been well disposed toward George Will.  I have regard for his knowledge of and reverence for baseball but his politics are appalling.  A chasm separates his experience from that of most Americans and he seems unperturbed by this void in knowledge.

     My distaste for his political commentary, both print and broadcast, is of long vintage.  An anecdote from the way-back machine explains why.  Sam Donaldson, the former ABC News correspondent, was skillful at exposing Mr. Will’s absurdities.  During the Iran-Contra imbroglio, Mr. Will undertook the task of defending the indefensible Oliver North.  He suggested that Mr. North had merely engaged in a justified act of civil disobedience and the left’s umbrage at the colonel’s conduct was hypocritical when considered alongside its tolerance toward acts of civil disobedience by sixties radicals.  Ever the culture warrior, our Mr. Will.  Mr. Donaldson made an obvious yet devastating point rhetorical point:  The core principle of civil disobedience is acceptance of legal consequences for breaking the law the civilly disobedient has deemed unjust, in effect having the courage of one’s convictions.  Mr. North was cravenly determined to evade responsibility for his actions; his doe-eyed presentation of himself as a cruelly victimized patriot was Oscar worthy.  Mr. Will was rendered speechless, a delicious rarity.  Despite his Brahmin mien, his education apparently had been a bit light on Henry David Thoreau.  Sometimes the mask slips.

     It was likely inevitable that Mr. Will would join the great migration of the Never Trump conservative punditocracy in the months following the 2016 election.  Once Fox News made the pivot to become what Chris Hayes calls “Trump TV,” it was no longer welcoming for those of Mr. Will’s ilk.  There was a stampede to secure spots at centrist or left-leaning outlets.  MSNBC assembled a stable of these types:  Steve Schmidt, Charlie Sykes, William Kristol, Rick Wilson, Jennifer Rubin, Bret Stephens, David Frum, Mr. Will, others.

     Mr. Will was among the least successful of these commentators.  There was an unmistakable tension inherent in his commentary.  He had a tough circle to square.  He simultaneously felt compelled to register his contempt for President Bone Spur while his ideology fueled his undisguised disdain for anyone not subscribing to his narrow brand of movement conservatism, effectively an attack on his new audience.

     So Mr. Will in a column exhorted people to vote against the GOP – note, not to vote for anything – in the 2018 midterm elections in order to thwart Mr. Trump.  That was all well and good.  That’s what the voters should have done and by and large did.  However, the efficacy of the message is undercut by the Never Trumpers’ lack of a constituency, as Sam Seder points out.  Had the Never Trumpers been significant numerically, The King of Queens would never have been elected president and pundits like Mr. Will would still be opining at right-wing outlets.  At least Mr. Will had the courtesy to make his plea general.  Other Never Trumper pundits had the gall to define type of candidates the Democratic Party would need to put on offer to garner their votes, a tacit threat either to vote Republican or to sit out the election.  In their view, beggar was by right chooser.  Never Trumpism is clearly weak tea.

     The Richmond Times-Dispatch routinely runs Mr. Will’s columns, which afforded an opportunity to unload on him.  I did.  The paper passed on it.  “I can’t imagine why,” the Bourbon Progressive repeats ironically.

Here’s George Will’s editorial:

George Will, “This November, Cast Your Vote Against the GOP,” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 24 June 2018, E3 (

Here’s the unpublished letter:

     George Will’s call to reject the GOP in the 2018 midterm and thwart President Trump’s quasi-authoritarian antics is welcome.  He also properly chastises the Republican Party for fecklessness.  No one, however, should harbor illusions about Mr. Will’s brand of “never Trumpism.”

     Mr. Will affects high dudgeon at the ugliness Mr. Trump has exposed, yet one wonders whether the wellspring of his disaffection with his onetime party is found more in the ascendancy of a chief executive who offends his priggish sensibilities, who, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell quipped in 2016, refuses to “stick to the script.” [1]

     The selfsame George Will has penned apologias for the race-baiting, segregationist presidential campaigns of George Wallace and Strom Thurmond, [2] has insinuated that President Obama’s race inoculated him from criticism, [3] and then has had the effrontery to accuse liberals of suffering from “Tourette’s syndrome” in matters of race. [4]  Can we believe that Mr. Will was taken unawares when Mr. Trump incited intolerance and rallied broad support by substituting a bullhorn for the dog whistle used by the GOP since President Nixon’s hatching of the “Southern Strategy,” a political modus operandi in which Mr. Will’s complicity is more than tacit?  Mr. Will suffers either from singular absence of self-awareness or impressive intellectual dishonesty.  He is talented.  Perhaps he manages both.

     Should 2020 or 2024 offer Mr. Will a Republican president he admires, one wonders whether he will forgive all and scurry to a sinecure in the Conservative Punditocracy Industrial Complex.  He labels a 2019 House potentially controlled by Democrats – a party operating in good faith – as a “basket of deplorables.”  The Right Wing Noise Machine beckons with a “basket” in which he himself can rest companionably.  If George Will’s politicized maundering represents the acme of “conservative intellectualism,” how can it not be deemed an oxymoron?

[1] Jordain Carney, “McConnell on Trump:  ‘I’m Not a Fan of the Daily Tweets,’” The Hill, 17 February 2017 (

[2] George Will, “Robert Sarvis, Virginia’s Other Choice for Governor,” The Washington Post, 23 October 2013 (; Oliver Willis, “George Will Whitewashes Racism from Pro-Segregationist Presidential Campaigns,” Media Matters 24 October 2013 (

[3] Elspeth Reeve, “Actually George Will Has Been Obsessed with Race for a Long time,” The Atlantic, 2 October 2012 (

[4] Ian Schwartz, “George Will:  Liberals Have ‘Tourette’s Syndrome’ When It Comes to Racism,” Real Clear Politics, 13 April 2014 (