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Better Dead Than Red. Really?

September 2019.

     Is it any surprise that Victor Davis Hanson, as a personal project, endeavors to perpetuate a hoary conservative fable:  Socialism is precisely equivalent to rule by Mao, Lenin, Stalin, and Castro and even uttering the word socialist will transform the US of A into Venezuela overnight.  “The gentleman doth protest to much, methinks.”  Hyperventilation such as Mr. Hanson’s says one thing to me:  His fear is not that a more expansive safety new won’t work but that it will.  The Richmond Times-Dispatch printed this response to Mr. Hanson.

Here’s Victor Davis Hanson’s column:

Victor Davis Hanson, “Historical Ignorance:  Why Socialism and Why Now?” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 30 August 2019, A9 (  If The Richmond Times-Dispatch posted an online version of this article, its search engine is unable to locate it.  The link above is to the version that appeared the The Providence Journal.

Here’s the letter:

“Hanson Offered Outdated Analysis of Socialism,” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 7 September 2019, A10 ( (Scroll down).