Is it any surprise that Victor Davis Hanson, as a personal project, endeavors to perpetuate a hoary conservative fable: Socialism is precisely equivalent to rule by Mao, Lenin, Stalin, and Castro and even uttering the word socialist will transform the US of A into Venezuela overnight. “The gentleman doth protest to much, methinks.” Hyperventilation such as Mr. Hanson’s says one thing to me: His fear is not that a more expansive safety new won’t work but that it will. The Richmond Times-Dispatch printed this response to Mr. Hanson.
Here’s Victor Davis Hanson’s column:
Victor Davis Hanson, “Historical Ignorance: Why Socialism and Why Now?” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 30 August 2019, A9 ( If The Richmond Times-Dispatch posted an online version of this article, its search engine is unable to locate it. The link above is to the version that appeared the The Providence Journal.