May the Door Not Hit You in Your Ample Backside.

November 2020.

     Victor Davis Hanson was doubtless displeased with the election’s outcome.  Though still not quite conceding the loss, Mr. Hanson applied himself to a new task:  a frantic airbrushing of the Trump regime.  Who knew that President Quarter Pounder with Cheese was so misunderstood and that the animus toward him sprang not from his actions but was merely a quibble over style?  Mr. Hanson surpassed himself on this one.  My response was printed by The Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Here’s Victor Davis Hanson’s opinion:

Victor Davis Hanson, “Will Trump Ride Off into the Sunset?” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 13 November 2020, A15; “Will Donald Trump Ride Off into the Sunset, Another Tragic Hero?” The Chicago Tribune, 11 November 2020 (  If The Richmond Times-Dispatch posted an online version of this article, its search engine is unable to locate it.  The link above leads to the version in The Chicago Tribune.

Here’s the letter:

“Hanson’s Defense of Trump Rides Off on Wrong Trail,” The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 17 November 2020, A14 (

An addendum.

To observe the length policy, the letter’s final paragraph was dropped before submission.  Here it is:

     Hanson likes cinematic references.  Here is one for him:  Harry Potter’s Professor Dumbledore and his Pensieve, a receptacle for storing memories for later reference and sharing with others.  Hanson’s Pensieve, however, consigns his memories to oblivion.  De rigueur for Hanson’s right-wing coterie is magical thinking followed by a deep drink from the River Lethe.  The classical allusion should not be lost on Hanson.  Then again, perhaps he has forgotten it.

About The Author

The Bourbon Progressive

A son of the Bluegrass, the Bourbon Progressive has lived in Richmond, Virginia, since the summer of 2001.