Let’s Chop ‘Em Up.

January 2021.

     Sometimes a free issue of a magazine passes through the mail slot and it’s actually worth reading.  That was the case when I was comped an issue of In These Times.  I’m now a subscriber.  One of its writers – Moe Tkacik – contributed an article on the necessity of dropping the antitrust hammer.  It was music to my ears.  An unpublished compliment was sent to her.

Here’s Moe Tkacik’s article:

Moe Tkacik, “Restoring Antitrust in Each Other,” In These Times, January 2021, 12-3 (https://inthesetimes.com/article/amazon-gig-workers-labor-rights-antitrust-laws-break-up-uber).

Here’s the unpublished letter:

Moe Tkacik hits the nail on the head.  An accelerationism that tolerates further corporate consolidation as the path to nationalization both underestimates corporate power and undervalues the misery inflicted on workers in the meantime.  Aggressive pursuit of antitrust can help blaze the trail for more unionizing, creation of worker cooperatives, and eventual restoration of the means of production to the commons.

About The Author

The Bourbon Progressive

A son of the Bluegrass, the Bourbon Progressive has lived in Richmond, Virginia, since the summer of 2001.